Our Programmes
Every moment of every day, your child is learning. We make sure they can build on these experiences through both play and intentional learning in a safe and supportive space.
Inspiring life-long learning
The first five years of your child’s life are fundamentally important – around 90% of their brain is developed by age five. To put in place the foundations for life-long learning, our curriculum is based on Te Whāriki – The Early Childhood Curriculum’s (Ministry of Education) five strands of learning and development:
Bringing learning to life
Intentional learning activities, uninterrupted free play time and collaborative activities are all a part of your child’s developmental journey here at Kiddywinkles. Through their own experiences and interactions they learn to solve problems, process emotions, use their creative mind and connect and communicate with peers.
To do this, we encourage a range of activities that build on their physical and cognitive skills daily, including:
Books, storytelling, language/literacy games, music and movement, dancing and puppets
Family and dramatic play, dress ups and props
Creative play: play dough, clay, painting, art and collage
Manipulative play: blocks, puzzles, threading, construction sets
Physical play: running, ball games, balancing and climbing equipment, sandpit
Exploratory play: water, sand, science and nature, learning about the living world, natural materials
Constructive play: carpentry and junk play
Cognitive games: such as maths games
All children contribute to their environment,and the structure of their day. As such, our programmes are designed to flex and change to align with their interests and discoveries.
Designed with development
in mind
Our bright, spacious and open centre has rooms that cater to the specific requirements of developing age groups. Designed for both fun and functionality, each room flows from interactive indoor spaces to safe, sheltered and sun-protected outdoor play areas.
Time your visit right, and wafts of fresh baking will fill the air! We have a kitchen specifically for our under-2s room, as well as a larger fully operational kitchen where our on-site cook prepares fresh, healthy meals to nourish busy bodies and minds.
Your child will be captivated by the many interactive resources and activities, the huge canopy-covered sandpit and the large play area where they have the space to interact with peers. But we know that, as a parent, you’ll also notice the other details that make all the difference - the temperature controlled rooms, the large natural-light-filled spaces, the private all-weather play area (sheltered from public view), clean facilities and engaging, attentive team.
To ensure that each child continues to master new skills and make sense of their expanding world, we have four rooms to cater to different age groups:
Cultural Awareness & Special Needs
Kiddywinkles is an inclusive and respectful space where we want every child to feel proud of their unique place in the world. If your child has any additional needs, let us know, and we can discuss how we can best accommodate them.