Embracing Empathy, Diversity, and Inclusion at Kiddywinkles

There is a lot of talk about diversity, inclusion, and empathy these days - but what do these terms actually mean in a practical sense? Is it really possible to create a safe and nurturing environment where every child thrives? Achieving unity is a gradual process, and that means that even the smallest steps are significant. 

At Kiddywinkles, we are a community of over 20 nationalities and we celebrate diversity and embrace inclusion. Because we focus on empathy as a priority, we are able to foster an understanding and appreciation for each other's unique identities.It’s important for us that our values don’t just exist as words on a page, we embody them every day - and we make it fun! 

Practical Engagement

One of the practical ways we learn about embracing empathy, diversity and inclusion at Kiddywinkles is by tuning in to our shared calendar. 

Our families enjoy celebrating events like Chinese New Year, Matariki, Diwali, and Samoan Language Week at our Westgate daycare centre. By experiencing the joy and wonder of cultural festivities, tamariki begin to gain an appreciation for the diverse cultures that make up our community.


In addition to celebrating various cultural festivities, we also invite grandparents to share their whakapapa with the children at our daycare centres. Whakapapa comprises the names, places, and events that serve as timelines and locators of where we come from - and where we are today. By better understanding our place in the world, we naturally begin to respect ourselves and others more. 


At our Westgate childcare centre, children also learn about the best ways to treat each other by participating in Pink Shirt Day, an anti-bullying event. We believe that promoting kindness and respect empowers our children to become compassionate advocates of positive social change, and that means a brighter future for everyone.

Parents and educators can also support and encourage empathy, diversity, and inclusion by incorporating practical strategies into their daily routines at home. Below are some actionable insights from the staff at our Westgate childcare centre to help parents and educators to create a nurturing and inclusive environment where every child thrives.

1. Practise Empathy 

Encourage your children to put themselves in other people's shoes and view the world through their eyes. Teach them to actively listen and communicate with others in a respectful and understanding manner. Lead by example by taking care to really focus when your tamariki are telling you something - especially if they are upset.

2. Encourage Multicultural Experiences 

Expose your children to different cultures and encourage them to ask questions when they don’t understand things. Celebrate cultural differences and teach your children to appreciate the unique perspectives and traditions that make up our diverse community. 

3. Promote Kindness And Respect 

Encourage your children to be kind to each other and to respect differences. This is easy to emphasise at home, and teaching your children kindness has a ripple effect out in the world. Teach them to celebrate diversity and to be brave, to speak up against prejudice and discrimination whenever they come across it in their daily lives. 

You can show them what this looks like by practising calling in when you encounter situations where people struggle to understand or treat each other with respect.

4. Foster A Safe And Respectful Environment

Set clear boundaries and rules for acceptable behaviour. Encourage your children to use their words instead of physical aggression and provide constructive ways to resolve conflicts. By learning how to disagree without becoming angry, we become active learners and participate in our own growth.

Get In Touch

As the saying goes, it takes a village. When we all pull together, we can make real progress, and that’s what is best for our children.

Kiddywinkles provides families with easy access to high-quality education and care at our Westgate childcare centre. We offer a range of services, including infant daycare and preschool, catering to the needs of a broad range of families.

If you are looking for a great start for your child, get in touch with our friendly team today to chat about our values - let’s make a better world together.


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